Platform: Board Game
Team Size: 6
Role: Game Designer
Period: October 2016 - June 2017
Team Members: Axel Chatelain, Nicolas Bekhazi, Samuel Basset, Marine Le Pivain, Maximilien Fouchou-Lapeyrade, Hugo Strobbe
This game is quite special for me since it's the first real big game project that I ever made, in a team. It really cemented my goal to become a game designer.
Mycélium is a board game made by a team of 6 students including myself during the first year in Supinfogame Rubika. Players have to use their flying ships to take control of territories on floating islands to gain resources, upgrade their troops, and gain dominance over the other players.
Design the game mechanics with my teamates
Designed the tech tree for each faction
Did a lot of iterations to balance the factions
Designed the board layout
Helped manage the team as we were all quite new to board games